Russia has utilised these laws as a means of punishing real or perceived dissent against individuals who reside within the territories under its control, including the temporarily occupied Crimean Peninsula
To advocate for personal sanctions, ZMINA is also gathering information about Russian officials involved in the illegal persecution of Crimean residents, including FSB officials and illegal 'judges' who have made unlawful decisions
Parishioners refused to cooperate despite constant threats and pressure to follow the so-called court ruling. Thereby the Russian-controlled authorities in Yevpatoriia filed another court appeal, this time seeking to demolish the temple on their own and make the parishioners cover the costs
Stanislava is a local activist in the LGBTQI+ and feminist movements. Alina is a military officer from the Kharkiv region, currently serving as a captain and a brigade staff officer
For almost ten days, Danylovych’s family did not know about her whereabouts, and she did not have any access to a lawyer
Judges have unanimously recognized that Ukraine is not responsible for the consequences of losing control over the territory of the Luhansk region
Radical nationalists are suspected in the attack
Editorial staff appeals to national and international human rights defenders with the request to influence the Russian government authorities to remove all prohibitions and restrictions on access to the website in the occupied Crimea
Criminal proceeding was opened on the facts of abuse of the patients by the staff
If there are Muslims in Crimea then it is possible that there is Muslim terrorism why not investigate this?
The man was identified on November 9 during the registration of passengers
The Ministry of Justice recognized as a political activity the organization’s statement about the law on “foreign agents”
Ukrainian athletes won 12 medals on Sunday
Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people Akhtem Chiygoz will not be present at the court hearing in his case
Ukraine works actively with Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and the Netherlands to create an international mechanism for bringing every perpetrator to justice
The court completed examination of ballistics tests within the case against former officers of the Berkut riot police force over killing 48 Maidan activists
Lawyer Ivan Lishchyna was appointed as the Ukrainian Commissioner for the European Court of Human Rights
Ukraine is going to file a lawsuit against the Russian Federation over military conflict in Donbas with the European Court of Human Rights in autumn
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