
Ukrainian officer describes horrors of Don Cossacks’ captivity
News - 11 July 2016

Ukrainian officer describes horrors of Don Cossacks’ captivity

The prisoners were often beaten in the face with gunstocks, beaten with pallets, stabbed

OHCHR report: Life prisoners in Donetsk region subjected to mock execution for their pro-unity Ukrainian views
News - 29 June 2016

OHCHR report: Life prisoners in Donetsk region subjected to mock execution for their pro-unity Ukrainian views

The detainees were severely beaten for three days with the involvement of local ‘police’ to “teach them a lesson”

Secret places of detention: What is Ukraine’s Security Service hiding from UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture?
Articles - 03 June 2016

Secret places of detention: What is Ukraine’s Security Service hiding from UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture?

This scandal has raised the problem of existence of SBU-controlled illegal places of detention, where people are suspected to be tortured. The problem is being put a blind eye to in Ukraine

Russian citizen Leonova says she was tortured by SBU officers
News - 15 January 2016

Russian citizen Leonova says she was tortured by SBU officers

She also said she did not know any of the people who had been detained in the same case

Every second captive in Donbas tortured
News - 28 December 2015

Every second captive in Donbas tortured

According to the official data, 1,333 civilians, 27 journalists, and 38 volunteers were held captive.

Lawyers get evidence of torture on Stanislav Klykh
News - 24 December 2015

Lawyers get evidence of torture on Stanislav Klykh

Thanks to the efforts of the European Court of Human Rights, the lawyers of Klykh received the outpatient registration log book and the medical records of Klykh

Human Rights Watch receives new evidence of crimes committed by Assad regime
News - 17 December 2015

Human Rights Watch receives new evidence of crimes committed by Assad regime

The organization found out about 6,786 people, who had died in the prisons of Damascus in 2011-2013

Energy blockade activists not allow restoring electricity supply to annexed Crimea
News - 07 December 2015

Energy blockade activists not allow restoring electricity supply to annexed Crimea

The Right Sector threatens to terminate its participation in the blockade of Crimea if the supplies to the peninsula are restored

Prosecutor General’s Office asks to suspend from duty judges, who arrested Maidan activists
News - 07 December 2015

Prosecutor General’s Office asks to suspend from duty judges, who arrested Maidan activists

The judges are suspected of the violation of Part 2, Article 375 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (delivery of a knowingly unfair sentence, judgment, ruling or order by a judge)

Ukrainian teenager killed in Russian colony because of allegedly being nationalist
News - 07 December 2015

Ukrainian teenager killed in Russian colony because of allegedly being nationalist

One teenager was killed and six more were hospitalized after the employees of the Belorechensk juvenile colony in Russia beat the convicts.

Human rights activists to submit evidence of Crimea occupation crimes to ICC
News - 03 December 2015

Human rights activists to submit evidence of Crimea occupation crimes to ICC

"The facts, which we are going to submit to the International Criminal Court, cover murders, tortures, and enforced disappearances."

Off the radars. What do captives of Donbas go through?
Articles - 30 November 2015

Off the radars. What do captives of Donbas go through?

Today, on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, we can speak about a phenomenon which has been a sort of parallel reality to us - the captives.

Three years of combating torture: has anything changed?
Articles - 11 November 2015

Three years of combating torture: has anything changed?

The visits of the National Preventive Mechanism monitors to colonies, boarding schools and psychiatric hospitals help to change conditions in these facilities.

Witness in Srebrenica massacre case found dead in Hague hotel
News - 23 October 2015

Witness in Srebrenica massacre case found dead in Hague hotel

Dusan Dunjic was a defence witness in the war crimes case against former Bosnian Serb general.

Human rights activists collect testimonies of detainees in Donbas for the Hague
News - 07 October 2015

Human rights activists collect testimonies of detainees in Donbas for the Hague

The detainees were tortured and were not provided with basic custodial conditions in illegal places of detention in Donbas.

Kyiv residents walk along ‘route of death’ paying tribute to Babi Yar victims
News - 27 September 2015

Kyiv residents walk along ‘route of death’ paying tribute to Babi Yar victims

The march in memory of the innocent people, who were shot down in the Babi Yar 74 years ago, was held today in Kyiv.

Russian passports taken away from Crimean residents
News - 25 September 2015

Russian passports taken away from Crimean residents

The Crimean authorities seize previously issued Russian passports from people without a residence permit in the occupied peninsula.

Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office refuses initiate proceedings against Poroshenko
News - 18 September 2015

Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office refuses initiate proceedings against Poroshenko

The lawyer will appeal against the actions of the Kyiv prosecutor’s office in the Pechersk district court of Kyiv, The first court hearing will be held on October 6.