Experts call for a new global security paradigm against the Russian threat

Date: 17 October 2023
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Due to Russian aggression, it is necessary to redefine the international security and development orders to ensure freedom from fear for humanity.

Ivan Klyszcz, a research fellow at the International Center of Defense and Security in Estonia, reached the following conclusion at the international conference “Crimea Global. Understanding Ukraine through the South”.

Klishch emphasized the importance of implementing an exclusively Ukrainian formula for peace, as only Ukraine has the right to determine the conditions for ending the war. He believes that reevaluation of many aspects of the international order is inevitable to ensure the interaction of security and development.

Mario Pereira Garmendia, associate professor at University of Navarra School of Law, emphasized the impossibility of reaching a peace agreement in the current circumstances, as it contradicts the interests of both Ukraine and the global security structure.

No one tries to find a common language with a criminal when he robs, rapes or maims – why should Ukraine seek ways to reconcile with Russia?

Mario Pereira Garmendia, associate professor at University of Navarra School of Law
He reminded the audience of the importance of not only drafting new international legal documents, but also developing effective systems for their implementation.
Mario Pereira Garmendia

“All declarations, charters, and statutes embody the belief of states in the dignity of human life as a value for the sake of which the institution of the state exists. It is the duty of every country to ensure the well-being of its citizens, while not encroaching on the sovereignty and, as a result, the well-being of the population of other states. Russia cynically violates these established norms,” the expert said.

He also noted that Russia’s war against Ukraine has consequences and threats for the whole world, as it is difficult to predict the next victim of the aggressor state – it could be any country.
Roselyne Ndisi Obala, political editor at Nation Media Group from Kenya, expressed concern about future economic trends in Africa, Asia and South America, as Russia’s war against Ukraine undermines global stability.
Roselyne Ndisi Obala

“Kenya is thousands of kilometers away from Ukraine, but we are experiencing the catastrophic consequences of Russia’s hostile actions on a daily basis. We and other states in the region are experiencing security implications within the country as a result of rising food prices and frequent demonstrations by the population dissatisfied with this. Global food security has a direct impact on the development of the Global South, and without ending the war and establishing peace, it will not exist,” said she.

An international relations analyst from Mexico Brenda Estefan encouraged both sides to continue more active cooperation in opposition to Russia’s attempts to find partners in the region.
“Who would have thought that not only the West, but also the countries of the Global South would unite with Ukraine in the fight against the enemy? However, this should not be surprising – we all have something to lose if Russia wins, which the entire world should not allow,” said Estefan.
At the same time, she reminded that narratives about Ukraine’s relations with the states of the mentioned region should not be based on unity against the enemy – Russia – but on the fundamental importance and benefits of interaction between the two parties without reference to third actors.
Earlier at the conference, Anton Korynevych, the ambassador-at-large of Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called on countries from all continents to join the coalition in order to create a special tribunal for Russia.
Secretary of the Committee on Fuel Energy, Nuclear Policies and Security at International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) Viktoria Voitsitska called on international politicians and decision-makers to stop using the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as an excuse to close their eyes towards Russian terrorism. Experts urge the international community to revise international safety regulations concerning handling nuclear facilities in case of capture by militaries.
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