Deported Crimean will be convoyed to the Rostov region . He may not survive the relocation

Дата: 29 December 2016
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Deported Crimean, Nedim Khalilov, was sent on the morning of December 29 to the filtration camp in the Rostov region.

As reported by Eskander Bariev, Chairman of the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, on his Facebook page.

“At 6:30 am Khalilov N.A. together with other prisoners was moved to another camp, in Gulkevichi. They were given an hour to prepare. Khalilov is on a hunger strike for 38 days. He was denied in the hospitalization and medical observation. Length of the trip is 600 kilometers and in amount of 150 people, he may not survive the relocation and if he does his health will suffer irreversible injuries”, – said Bariev.

According to him, this situation proves the violation of numerous principles of Geneva Convention IV by the Russia regarding the Khalilov. Convention relative to the Protection of Civillian Persons in Time of War of August 1949, principles of the International Convention of Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1965, principles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, articles of the European Convention on Human Rights of 1950, articles of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 2007, articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

Crimean Tatar Resource Center sees signs of continuing the crime of genocide of the Crimean Tatar people, which manifested in a form of forced deportation that began in 1944, in the second deportation of Khalilov.

Human rights organization Crimean Tatar Resource Center demands the authorities of the Russian Federation to: release Nedim Khalilov from imprisonment, guarantee the safety of Khalilov’s rights in compliance with the above-mentioned acts, medical assistance, legal capacity and competence, freedom and compensate for the harm caused by the unlawful and unjust actions of the authorities of the Russian Federation.

Crimean Tatar Resource Center demands the Ukrainian authorities to: ensure the compliance of the authorities of the Russian Federation of the above-mentioned rules of international law in respect of Nedim Khalilov through the diplomatic measures and international legal measures.

Crimean Tatar Resource Center also pleads to the UN, its structures and institutions, UN bodies monitoring universal human rights treaties, the OSCE, its competent structures and institutions, the Council of Europe, its competent structures and institutions, governments of the civilized countries, international human rights organizations to ascertain the violations on the part of Russian Federation of the above-mentioned rules of international law and ensure their continued compliance by the Russian authorities in regards of Nedim Khalilov.

As a reminder, on November 7, by the decision of the Kremlin-controlled trial, the Crimean Tatar Nedim Khalilov was taken outside the territories of Crimea. Khalilov was allowed to visit home to take warm clothes, money and documents. Until December 29 Khalilov was located in the filtration camp in the Krasnodar region.

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