repressions in Crimea

Crimean courage: risking freedom for Ukrainian identity
Columns - 14 July 2024

Crimean courage: risking freedom for Ukrainian identity

The President's Mission to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea observes numerous persecution cases in the so-called “courts,” including the illegitimate one in occupied Armyansk. People are prosecuted after “filtration measures” – stopped, checked by the FSB, and detained if anything related to Ukraine is found on their phones or in notebooks. There are many such cases, and we need to talk about those who suffer

Journalism under siege for over a decade in temporarily occupied Crimea: How Russia has stifled freedom of the press on the Ukrainian peninsula
News - 10 June 2024

Journalism under siege for over a decade in temporarily occupied Crimea: How Russia has stifled freedom of the press on the Ukrainian peninsula

The policy of destroying independent media deprives Crimean residents of access to information from independent journalists, creating a propaganda bubble

De-identified Crimea: Occupying state massively eradicates ethnic celebrations – Amnesty International
News - 23 May 2024

De-identified Crimea: Occupying state massively eradicates ethnic celebrations – Amnesty International

Amnesty International concluded, that Russia has had ten years to implement its policies designed to alter the ethnic makeup of and suppress non-Russian identities in Crimea

Russia’s forced demographic changes in Crimea violate international law – Amnesty International
News - 15 May 2024

Russia’s forced demographic changes in Crimea violate international law – Amnesty International

Russia has had ten years to implement its policies designed to alter the ethnic makeup of and suppress non-Russian identities in Crimea. Through population transfer and coercive policies targeting minorities, it has sought to dilute and remove Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar identity from the peninsula

Russian occupying authorities harassed journalist Lutfiye Zudiyeva in Ukraine’s Crimea
News - 13 May 2024

Russian occupying authorities harassed journalist Lutfiye Zudiyeva in Ukraine’s Crimea

Lutfiye Zudiyeva has covered the plight and trials of Crimean political prisoners as a member of the grassroots initiative Crimean Solidarity since 2016. She joined the editorial staff of the media project Graty in July 2021 and is interning in forensic journalism and storytelling

Russia militarizes education and erases cultural identity of children in temporarily occupied Crimea – UN and Amnesty International
News - 13 May 2024

Russia militarizes education and erases cultural identity of children in temporarily occupied Crimea – UN and Amnesty International

The International Court of Justice found that the way in which Russia had implemented its educational system in Crimea after 2014 with regard to school education in the Ukrainian language had violated its obligations under Articles 2(1)(a) and 5(v) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Ten years of occupation of Crimea: memories of Crimean journalists on how it began
Articles - 18 April 2024

Ten years of occupation of Crimea: memories of Crimean journalists on how it began

The event participants also watched the documentary by the reporter’s team of Crimea.Realities titled “The first pro-Ukrainian action in Simferopol after the Russian troops’ arrival: risk, “traitors of Crimea,” and abduction”

Russia has been suppressing freedom of expression and religion during years of temporarily occupation of Crimea – UN and Amnesty International
News - 11 April 2024

Russia has been suppressing freedom of expression and religion during years of temporarily occupation of Crimea – UN and Amnesty International

In temporarily occupied Crimea, Russia has significantly curtailed the space for civil society to function, including criticizing or advocating. Media outlets have been shut down, disproportionately impacting Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian communities' rights to free expression, information access, and cultural expression

“There are no LGBTQ+ people in Crimea”: Russia cracked down on the LGBTQ+ сommunity in the temporarily occupied peninsula
News - 07 April 2024

“There are no LGBTQ+ people in Crimea”: Russia cracked down on the LGBTQ+ сommunity in the temporarily occupied peninsula

As of 2014, the number of representatives of the LGBT+ community in Crimea amounted to approximately 16,200 persons. However, the number of people who remain in the territory in 2023 is unknown

A decade of repressions: Crimean Tatars and Ukrainains targeted in Russia’s brutal crackdown on dissent
News - 22 March 2024

A decade of repressions: Crimean Tatars and Ukrainains targeted in Russia’s brutal crackdown on dissent

Amnesty International stated that with international crimes, Russia has attempted to change the ethnic makeup of Crimea while suppressing non-Russian identities on the peninsula, including through restricting education in Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages, attacking religious minorities, stifling media and culture, as well as undermining representative institutions and abusing the criminal justice system

Kremlin Prisoners: How to Write a Letter to a Political Prisoner
Instructions - 19 February 2024

Kremlin Prisoners: How to Write a Letter to a Political Prisoner

Since the outbreak of a full-scale war, Russia has ramped up its repression against Ukrainian citizens. Russian authorities are continuing to illegally detain Ukrainians and file politically motivated charges against them in order to get Ukraine to make concessions.

UN ruling might fuel Crimean Tatar persecution by Russia – Chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov
News - 02 February 2024

UN ruling might fuel Crimean Tatar persecution by Russia – Chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov

Chubarov believes that in the current circumstances, the best "trial" for the Russians is the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Kyiv responds to Slovak PM who suggested concession against the territorial integrity of Ukraine
News - 22 January 2024

Kyiv responds to Slovak PM who suggested concession against the territorial integrity of Ukraine

The Slovak prime minister noted that he intends to announce at the meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shmyhal that he will block Ukraine's accession to NATO in every possible way

Silent suffering: Crimean human rights defenders and a humanitarian volunteer from Kherson deprived of adequate medical care in Russian captivity
News - 15 December 2023

Silent suffering: Crimean human rights defenders and a humanitarian volunteer from Kherson deprived of adequate medical care in Russian captivity

Front Line Defenders, Human Rights Watch and Physicians for Human Rights strongly condemn the denial of adequate medical care to human rights defenders in captivity in Russia

A story of Oleksandr Tarapon from Crimea, illegally convicted by Russia
Articles - 11 December 2023

A story of Oleksandr Tarapon from Crimea, illegally convicted by Russia

On October 21, 2022, the occupation court of Alushta sentenced Oleksandr Tarapon to 2.5 years in a strict regime colony. He was charged with Article 207.3 (part 1) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely, “public dissemination of knowingly false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the exercise of powers by state bodies of the Russian Federation.”

Reclaiming Crimea: the path to restoration and unity
Columns - 24 October 2023

Reclaiming Crimea: the path to restoration and unity

All foreigners or stateless persons who have settled in the occupied Crimea and other temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine have deliberately committed a crime and must immediately leave Crimea, Refat Chubarov says

Russia is slowly killing the Crimean Tatar people in the temporarily occupied peninsula – Mufti of Crimea
News - 21 October 2023

Russia is slowly killing the Crimean Tatar people in the temporarily occupied peninsula – Mufti of Crimea

The Mufti of Crimea and Chairman of the Religious Administration of Muslims in Crimea, Aider Rustemov, declared that Russia is systematically oppressing the Crimean Tatar people in the temporarily occupied peninsula

States from all continents urged to join the coalition to create a special tribunal for Russia
News - 16 October 2023

States from all continents urged to join the coalition to create a special tribunal for Russia

Ambassador-at-large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Anton Korynevych stresses the need to join forces to demonstrate that dictatorial regimes are responsible for their crimes, and thus, together with international partners, the world needs to prevent future conflicts and wars