Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine

Lawyers of Sentsov, Kolchenko file cassational appeal
News - 28 March 2016

Lawyers of Sentsov, Kolchenko file cassational appeal

The lawyers of Ukrainian political prisoners Oleg Sentsov and Oleksandr Kolchenko filed the cassational appeal against their sentences to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Russian human rights activists search for Sentsov
News - 21 March 2016

Russian human rights activists search for Sentsov

Members of the Russian Association of Independent Observers Nikolai Shchur and Tatyana Shchur have started to search for a colony which Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov was transferred to

Officer of PGO’s reform department kept out of work
News - 01 March 2016

Officer of PGO’s reform department kept out of work

According to her, Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has instructed the guards not to allow her to enter the premises till he gives new orders

Prosecutor General’s Office stonewalling investigation into May 2 events – activists
News - 14 January 2016

Prosecutor General’s Office stonewalling investigation into May 2 events – activists

The members of the group note that representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Interior Ministry are not interested in a transparent and open process

Electric power line pylon falls near Kakhovka
News - 31 December 2015

Electric power line pylon falls near Kakhovka

The reasons for falling are unknown yet.

Sadovnyk gives orders to former Berkut officers during shootings on Maidan – PGO
News - 30 December 2015

Sadovnyk gives orders to former Berkut officers during shootings on Maidan – PGO

There are videos showing that Sadovnyk guides their actions. He gives orders how they should retreat and what positions they should strengthen. Those were certainly not chaotic actions

Eight Journalists Killed in Ukraine in Past Year
News - 03 May 2015

Eight Journalists Killed in Ukraine in Past Year

In connection to World Press Freedom Day, the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (NMPU) has reported on its website that eight local and foreign journalists were killed in Ukraine in 2014

News - 29 April 2015

Interpol will not Search for Berkut Commander in Maidan Case

Interpol has refused to issue an international arrest warrant for Dmitro Sadovnik, the Berkut commander who is suspected in the murder of 39 activists during the Euromaidan protests

Human Rights Advocate: “Red Cross” as a Tool in Information Warfare
News - 15 January 2015

Human Rights Advocate: “Red Cross” as a Tool in Information Warfare

Her comment was in reference to recent events where the Moscow Red Cross submitted a statement to The Hague regarding the alleged crimes of Ukrainian authorities in the ATO