Feminist March Took Place in Kyiv

On March 8th the march “Feminism is always relevant!” took place in Kyiv. The participants marched from Arsenalna metro station to European Square in order to draw attention to women’s struggle for their rights.
Over 150 participants gathered to remind everyone that March 8th is not a day of female beauty and spring, but a political holiday, the international day of struggle for the rights of women. Activists marched peacefully down Grushevskogo Street.
The demonstration was marching to the sound of the samba band Rhythms of Resistance under banners like “Feminism is always relevant!”, “Woman – A Friend, not a Commodity!”, “My Body – My Business!”, “Go Away Patriarchy, Feminism into Every Home!”
The march attempted to make it clear that, despite the war in the country, women’s issues continue to be relevant. Women remain concerned with employment, sexist discriminatory rhetoric, objectification, and violence, which, moreover, is growing at this difficult time. Women continue to receive lower wages than men while continuing to take on all the responsibilities of child-rearing and housework.
Speakers announced at the march that our patriarchal society is becoming more conservative because of its militarization. They also noted the need to introduce clear gender policies in all spheres of life.