Activists in Kyiv offer German politicians to have sex with cut condom

Kyiv activists picketed the German Embassy in Ukraine, demanding not to reduce funding for programs of the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria.
This is reported by the Human Rights Information Centre correspondent.
Patients cut condoms half with scissors and offered using them during sex. Thus, they emphasized the absurdity of funding cuts. They are convinced that such reduction is inappropriate amid armed conflict and financial crisis.
According to Denys Hodlevsky from AIDS Healthcare Foundation, 17 million lives were saved thanks to the Foundation’s activity only in 2015.
“The Global Fund got six billion dollars from the United States, more than two billion dollars from the United Kingdom and other countries for 2010-2015. Germany’s contribution amounted to 1.5 billion euros. In the coming year, Germany plans to allocate just 200 million euros. It is not enough. For example, Japan promised to allocate 800 million and France – a billion,” he said.
Underfunding will result in purchasing insufficient number tests to detect HIV infection, said Serhiy Fedorov, the Head of the ANTIAIDS U.S. Foundation office in Ukraine. He explained that treatment of HIV and TB patients would not be therefore provided at the current level.
“If the world is set to stop HIV/AIDS, we will strictly judge every country that does not honor its promises. We hope that common sense will win in the German government and their fiscal policy will be revised this week,” said Dmytro Sherembey, head of the Coordination Council of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV.
As of May of this year, 21,278 Ukrainians living with HIV received antiretroviral therapy under the program to combat HIV/AIDS.