International aid to displaced people not reaches small towns

Дата: 09 September 2015
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The exact number of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) is unknown, and the restriction of freedom of movement makes it difficult to deliver aid.

This is stated in the report of the Resource Center for IDPs, which resumed its work in August 2015.

Among the main problems as of September 1, it is noted that the exact number of the IDPs remains unknown. The reasons for this are imperfect procedure for registration of IDPs, their reluctance to register and so on. The statistics on refugees as a result of the military conflict in Ukraine is also not known.

In addition, the main problems include the limited freedom of movement, which hampers the delivery of humanitarian assistance. The aid from international donors goes to the big cities, but does not reach villages and small towns.

The conclusions indicate that to solve the problems of IDPs, Ukraine should:

  • establish consistent and efficient system of legal regulation of situation with IDPs;
  • influence the public authorities to bring the effective legislation on protection of the rights of IDPs into line;
  • create conditions which would facilitate entry to the territory of Ukraine from the occupied territories for those in need;
  • facilitate the settlement of legal problems of the IDPs vote on local elections on October 2015;
  • address legal issues of registering of IDPs, getting social benefits and other payments;
  • address issues related to settlement of IDPs;
  • assist in employment of IDPs;
  • make efforts to meet the basic humanitarian needs of IDPs in need of such assistance;
  • promote integration of IDPs into local communities.

As a reminder, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, citing the data from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, stated that 2.5 million people had been displaced by the Russian aggression from the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine.

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