Suspicion within eight criminal cases served against fugitive president Yanukovych
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine has served a notice of suspicion within eight criminal proceedings against ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.
“A notice of suspicion was served against Yanukovych in eight cases,” Horbatiuk said.
According to him, the investigation is ongoing, and the cases have not yet been submitted to court.
“In cases, within which he was served a notice of suspicion, the investigation was suspended because of search, thereby suspending the terms of the investigation. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the case may be submitted to court within a year period sine serving notification. When we serve a notice of suspicion and put on wanted list, we stop the investigation for a reason of search,” Horbatiuk said.
At the same time, Horbatiuk noted that Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko wanted to use the procedure in absentia and to submit cases to the court before the end of the year.