Mykola Mirnyj

One year after launch of police reform. Have Ukrainian police changed?
Articles - 05 July 2016

One year after launch of police reform. Have Ukrainian police changed?

Are the changes really effective and what are the outcomes?

Letter of despair: Crimean inmates threaten to injure themselves if they not returned to Ukraine
Articles - 20 May 2016

Letter of despair: Crimean inmates threaten to injure themselves if they not returned to Ukraine

Crimean inmates ask senior officials to find ways to return them to the mainland Ukraine

How to improve situation in Crimea? Answers can be found at Book Arsenal fair
Articles - 22 April 2016

How to improve situation in Crimea? Answers can be found at Book Arsenal fair

The book "The Peninsula of Fear: Chronicle of Occupation and Violation of Human Rights in Crimea" contains the history of human rights violations in Crimea within 2015 - early 2016

Five fatal flaws
Articles - 04 April 2016

Five fatal flaws

The experts of the Human Rights Agenda platform insist on the immediate elimination of threats enshrined in the constitutional reform

Preventing torture in Ukraine: the NPM experience
Articles - 01 March 2016

Preventing torture in Ukraine: the NPM experience

Would you like to look behind the scenes and learn about how the National Preventive Mechanism in Ukraine?

Does ‘Savchenko’s law’ really free murderers and rapists?
Columns - 29 February 2016

Does ‘Savchenko’s law’ really free murderers and rapists?

Зrior to this lawб the penitentiary service released on parole half of the convicts in 2015 - more than 10,000!

Forced confession: Ukraine ignoring UN’s recommendations
Articles - 15 December 2015

Forced confession: Ukraine ignoring UN’s recommendations

The Parliament is asked to determine the status of the decisions of the UN Committees on Human Rights and Against Torture

Top five key events of 2015 in Ukraine
Articles - 11 December 2015

Top five key events of 2015 in Ukraine

Human Rights Information Centre summarizes the key human rights events of 2015 in Ukraine

Amendment to Labour Code: I demand more!
Columns - 13 November 2015

Amendment to Labour Code: I demand more!

After the Parliament had passed the anti-discrimination amendment, I reminded myself that I should be happy, but I could not.

Nineteen Roma children left homeless as a result of domestic conflict in Mukachevo
Articles - 04 November 2015

Nineteen Roma children left homeless as a result of domestic conflict in Mukachevo

The victims claim that the local police delay investigation into arson and death threats

‘Genocide’ at ATO checkpoints – queues grow threefold
Articles - 29 October 2015

‘Genocide’ at ATO checkpoints – queues grow threefold

The human rights activists urges the parties to the armed conflict to open new corridors for civilians.

Elections 2015 and ‘inconvenient’ IDPs: thoughts aloud
Articles - 27 October 2015

Elections 2015 and ‘inconvenient’ IDPs: thoughts aloud

At least 1.2 million persons failed to express their will at the local elections in Ukraine

Oksana. Fairy for Internally Displaced Persons
Articles - 23 September 2015

Oksana. Fairy for Internally Displaced Persons

I moved 13 times. It turns out that most of the IDPs have never left their city or have never even changed their residence. I tell them about my #experience with moving

Journalists not hope authorities will protect their rights
News - 17 September 2015

Journalists not hope authorities will protect their rights

The fallen media members were commemorated on the Independence Square in Kyiv.

‘Law enforcers tell my neighbors I’m a terrorist,’ Crimean activist says
Articles - 02 September 2015

‘Law enforcers tell my neighbors I’m a terrorist,’ Crimean activist says

The Crimea battalion commander tells how the occupation authorities persecute his mother

Hurry-scurry counterpropaganda: Should Russian books be banned in Ukraine?
Articles - 26 August 2015

Hurry-scurry counterpropaganda: Should Russian books be banned in Ukraine?

The Human Rights Information Centre correspondents find out whether such a step is reasonable amidst fighting in eastern Ukraine

‘Russian World’ and Religious Persecution in Donbas
Articles - 13 May 2015

‘Russian World’ and Religious Persecution in Donbas

A recent report highlights widespread and systematic persecution of all religious groups except believers linked to the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in Donbas, and the role of Russia and its armed criminal ‘crusaders’ in mounting crimes against humanity in the region

Roma in a Vicious Circle of Fear and Discrimination
Articles - 27 April 2015

Roma in a Vicious Circle of Fear and Discrimination

Run away from the shots and the eternal fear. Live in a forest, a train station, on the outskirts. Then be met with double discrimination in the "safe" area, for being an IDP and for being a Roma

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