“Feminists are not humans” – a Volhynian journalist and activist is harassed by a former policeman
Former policeman Volodymyr Sokol, who is named Jan Smith on Facebook, for several weeks wrote insulting and humiliating messages to a journalist and activist from Lutsk Arina Krapka, who often writes on topics of gender equality, violence in families, advocates equal opportunities for women and men in society.
As reported by Arina Krapka on her Facebook page.
“Since May, he often wrote posts about me, insulting and humiliating me. These posts also included threats. And it is all related to my professional work and, of course, my views”, – Krapka wrote.
In particular, he used such expressions as: “you are a feminist, feminists are not humans” and “you are my personal ball for whipping and entertainment” addressing them directly to Arina Krapka. And also promised to dance on her grave “7:40”.
On June 6, journalist turned to the Lutsk Police Department with a statement about threats from Volodymyr Sokol, known as Jan Smith on Facebook. But the police failed to see elements of crime in his actions and on July 12 Arina received a conclusion from the police that her health and life is not threatened.
“No information was entered to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations and there are no explanations from the above-mentioned citizen in the conclusion that I received today. As I was informed by district police officer Mykshevsky (now he is an investigator), Jan Smith refused to give any explanation”, – Krapka wrote.
In the conclusion it is clearly stated:
“During an inspection and while studying the information from the screenshots of the Facebook social network provided by you, there are no facts confirming the commission of a crime or an offense of a person with the pseudonym”Jan Smith”, nor there facts in any way representing a real threat to life and health”.
“And, unofficially, the police said that these are not threats, but I’m just unpleasant to him”, – the journalist said.
But, according to her, she knows how to differentiate the reality of threats and unreality.
“If this is written conditionally bots, then this is one thing. If I am constantly reminded and promised that they will dance seven forty on my grave then it’s quite another. The police probably forgot that their main task is to prevent the crime and not wait for it to happen and to find the guilty afterwards. And traditionally, the guilty are not found in our system of impunity. I know that he is a former employee of the patrol police and his dismissal was due to abuse of official authority”, – Arina said.
She also knows that the man served in the “Azov” battalion and that he has not the best reviews after serving there.
“I can not know what to expect from a person. Neither do I know his motives of his behavior”, – the journalist justifies her fears.
She also notes that she will act in her defense exclusively in the legal field.
As a reminder, in November 2016, the police refused to accept a statement on Internet blackmail from Antonina Kartasheva, journalist of the Human Rights Information Centre, who, while studying at the Institute of Journalism of the Tarash Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is on probation at the editorial office. Then the unknown person stole letters and personal photos from the e-mail of the girl and her boyfriend and threatened to send them out to all friends in social network if they won’t pay 1000 hryvnias. Arriving on call, the patrolmen said that they can not find the offender.
“Why are you so worried that everyone will see the pictures, this is your opportunity to build a career”, – the policeman said to the journalist.